Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and GardensCoat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Lorch Monastery

Visitor Information

Opening Times

Lorch Monastery buildings, permanent exhibition and Staufer mural

1 November to 28 February

Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat., Sun., Holiday
10:00 am - 05:00 pm

1 March to 24 July

Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat., Sun., Holiday
11:00 am - 06:00 pm

25 July to 8 September (Summer Vacations)

Tue. - Sun., Holiday
11:00 am - 06:00 pm

9 September to 31 October

Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat., Sun., Holiday
11:00 am - 06:00 pm

The monastery café is open for individual visitors. Groups must be registered ( 

Guided Tours

Guided tours in German

Monastery: 1st March to 31st October

Sat, Sun and holidays 1:30 pm

Group tours by arrangement with tourism office. Special tours as per online program and by arrangement.

Combination Tour: Lorch Monastery and Wäscherschloss Castle

1 March to 31 October

Sundays and holidays 11:00 am

After 1st May: Start at Lorch Monastery.

Staufer Falconry Demonstration

1 March to 31 October

Sat, Sun and holidays 3:00 pm

Additionally on Wed and Thu at 3:00 pm during Baden-Württemberg school breaks.

1 November to 28 or 29 February

Demonstrations by request

Please note:
Guided tours of the monastery or special tours can be booked individually on all opening days.



Adults 6,00 €
Reduced 3,00 €
Family 15,00 €
Groups of 20 or more per person 5,40 €
Adult annual pass 30,00 €

Monastery (incl. guided tour)

Individual guided tour (plus admission) 60,00 €

Combined Ticket

Adults 8,00 €
Reduced 4,00 €
Family 20,00 €
Groups of 20 or more per person 7,20 €

Includes Lorch Monastery and Wäscherschloss Castle; only available from 1 March to 31 October (Wäscherschloss is closed from 1 November to 28 February)

Disability Access

Information is available atDisability access

How to Find Us

Journey description


Lorch Monastery -
Tourist Office and Falconry Centre
Klosterstraße 2
73547 Lorch, Germany

Getting There

Public transport: railway line from Stuttgart to Schwäbisch Gmünd;
10-minute walk from Lorch station.

Contact Us

Lorch Monastery - Tourist Office and Falconry Centre

73547 Lorch, Germany
Klosterstraße 2

Contact form

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